Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Enjoying the Journey !

Have you ever been on a long road trip and your anxiety began to get the best of you.  At first, you are excited about going on this trip, but half way there you realize that you just want to speed up time!
In the past, I was in a rush for my children to grow up. Instead of enjoying each stage they went through, I grew impatient with them, and longed for the day that they could fend for themselves. Well, I am learning that my children are not a road trip I am taking, and their lives only pass by once.

It’s more than a few hours on the road until the next stop, and each moment in their lives will pass you up just as quickly as the mile marker does. I couldn’t wait for my kids to be able to walk, talk, and even start on chores, (although I’m happy that they are capable of doing chores now) I often think to myself, please slow down, you are growing too fast and making decisions on your own!
I encourage mother's to SLOOOOOWW DOOWN. Memories are being created everyday, so slow down to enjoy them. It's easy to get consumed with our lives and  overlook precious moments  if we are not careful.  I have learned to embrace my children and savor the moment these past few years.  Now I can look forward to creating memories with them that will last a lifetime.
Guess what I’m not a Cookie Cutter Mom and that's OK!
Till tomorrow- Deborah Anthony
Mommy Fast Track is a place where mothers can share their various daily experiences. It provides Mothers an opportunity to vent and encourage other mothers about what you have experienced being a Mom. Feel free to send me a post for tomorrow at   or leave a comment below.

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